16 min
Reward Type:

Reward Date:

Instructions for completing tasks and activities for ink
Complete the tasks to qualify for potential airdrops and rewards. Follow step-by-step instructions and track task updates and statuses to become one of the potential recipients of the ink Airdrop.
Do not use your daily wallet, use a new wallet to join all projects. We are not responsible if you use main wallet and lose any amount.(alert-warning)
Testnet Activity
The ink team (Layer 2 from Kraken Exchange) has launched their testnet, by completing activities in which you will become an early user and qualify for a potential airdrop from the project.
1. Go to the website and add the "Ink Sepolia" test network to your wallet:
3. Go to the official bridge website and send test tokens from "Sepolia" to "Ink Sepolia":
4. Do the above activities periodically and wait for new ones to appear.
(getButton) #text=(Go to Testnet) #icon=(demo) #color=(#ff000)
Mint your domain
Ink in collaboration with ZNS Connect has launched domains on the Ink test network! You can mint the domain and increase your activity in the test network.